Yoga can be more than simply a practice at a studio and on a mat. At Connecticut Power Yoga, we believe that yoga is also about giving back. Being a service to others, is a powerful practice that benefits both the giver and the receiver. Connecticut Power Yoga is always looking for opportunities where we as a studio, and as a community can come together and be in service to others. Connecticut Power Yoga also has a number of ongoing projects that we support and champion.
Africa Yoga Project
The Africa Yoga Project (AYP) was created in 2007 to train youth and build the wellness industry so that previously un- or under-employed youth from marginalized communities earn a self-sustaining income as community leaders who have the ability to build healthy, wellness-promoting communities. Aimee and Tim were first introduced to AYP while training with AYP co-founders, Baron Baptiste and Paige Elenson. These meetings sparked a commitment to being a part of what AYP is up to.
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